Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 15

3/11- No Money spent today. Yeah. I think that this is the second day where we haven’t spent anything- sort of pathetic. I have been talking to people about this experiment and I am amazed at how many people say that they have been doing the same thing to carrying degrees.

One friend and his wife are doing it to get out of debt and give themselves more options for the future, another has two houses they are maintaining so extras are going to that right now. Still others have had reductions in income for whatever reason and are trying to live more resourcefully. I have also run into a few people who have always done this. These are my more frugal friends and relatives and seems to be relate to how they were raised.

Jay and I have also had several discussions this Lent about what pieces of this we would carry forward after Easter. I think that overall it would be a general consciousness of what we are spending. But imagine if we- gasp- had a food budget- that seems to be where most of our money goes- other than the boys activities. If we just set a budget for the grocery store and eating out I think we could easily save more money.

Have you had these conversations with friends, loved ones? Have you been considering these ideas or ways to incorporate them into your life?

Money Spent- $0

1 comment:

  1. We do have a set amount for groceries and for restaurants (including wine). We almost always have money left over so it is good to set the limit and I never want to go over it so I will make different choices. It works well for us to have some boundaries. Much love...
